Algemene Ledenvergadering - kantine van de buren, hockeyvereniging AMHC, Sportpark Spieringhorn (Seineweg) no. 5.
On Monday, December 11, 2023, the annual General Assembly of our association will take place. Doors open at 7:00 PM with coffee, and the meeting will start at 7:30 PM.
Location: hockeyvereniging AMHC, Sportpark Spieringhorn (Seineweg) no. 5.
The convocation with the agenda will be sent to everyone two weeks in advance. The annual financial statement and other documents will be posted on the website.
This is also a call for anyone interested in becoming a board member. The commitment involves approximately 5 meetings per year, with varying organizational work and support for committees. Are you considering strengthening our board? Contact the chairman George Haringhuizen promptly for a conversation at 06-38 30 08 92.
Join the discussion about plans and organization for the coming year - It's always a pleasant gathering.